Pictured are members of the Cabinet from 2019

Collaborative working for the benefit of our residents


We are no stranger to partnership working. We have been doing it for the past thirty years and Bolsover District Council has one of the most successful partnership teams in the country.

Our ethos is that Council services should be provided by the Council. But this does open up opportunities for partnership working such as council house building, community facilities creation, environmental and green energy developments and health and wellbeing initiatives, all of which will help reduce unnecessary bureaucracy.

We have proven we can and are willing to work with a range of partners including different political parties - regardless of their political persuasion - to get the job done. This enables us to provide good quality services, enable growth and provide a better standard of living that benefit our communities.

Bolsover District Council is a Labour-controlled council, but we have forged excellent working relationships with socially-minded independent councillors and others.

These relationships help bring to the fore the skills and knowledge of all members, which in turn means we achieve more and our constituents get a better service.

Traditionally, when a political party has overall control of a council, they have their own party members in the more prominent positions.

But we are different. We know how important partnership working is and how beneficial it has proven to be. So, the Executive (or Cabinet) on the Council is a cross party group that has Independent member representation with specific responsibilities for the Environment and the Licensing Committee has an Independent Chair and Vice-Chair. Why? Because it is beneficial to Bolsover District Council and our residents.

We have also extended the arm of partnership working to the conservative–led county council to offer to work with them on the problems they are experiencing with their care homes. Why? Because it is beneficial to Bolsover District Council and our residents.

We work in partnership with a local building contractor as part of our £36million Bolsover Homes scheme that will see up to 400 new council properties built in the next few years. Why? Because it is beneficial to Bolsover District Council and our residents.

We work in partnership with a Strategic Leisure provider who are responsible for gym equipment and membership sales support so we can provide top class leisure facilities at the Go! Active leisure facility. Why? Because it is beneficial to Bolsover District Council and our residents.

We work in partnership with the conservative controlled North East Derbyshire District Council and operate shared service provision in ICT, Environmental Health and Internal Audit. Why? Because it is beneficial to Bolsover District Council and our residents.

We work in partnership with the local Bolsover Woodlands enterprise to help manage our community woodlands and existing trees and woodlands owned by us. Why? Because it is beneficial to Bolsover District Council and our residents.

We will therefore, continue to work with our partners, neighbouring authorities and businesses to ensure Bolsover District receives the investment it deserves, the growth it needs and the services it merits.