Front cover image of Labour Today magazine

New magazine launched to keep you informed

Over the next few weeks you will receive a copy of our brand new magazine called Labour Today.

The magazine is aimed at keeping you informed on what we are doing on your behalf. It outlines our main priorities, along with highlighting some of the projects and campaigns that we are involved in across Bolsover District.

Steve Fritchley said, “One of our top priorities is to make sure you are kept up to date and informed on what your local Labour group is doing on your behalf. People’s thirst for correct and factual information is ever-increasing and this magazine is just one of the ways we can provide this and tell you about how we are promoting community groups, building new Council homes, improving the environment and providing good quality services right throughout the District.”

The magazine will be printed and distributed every four months and if you don’t receive a copy, don’t worry, as you can access and download them via this website every time we publish one.