Labour housing plan vindicated by recent survey


A recent report by the BBC has shown that the number of homes available to rent in the UK has fallen by a third over the past 18-months, vindicating your local Labour council’s house-building proposals.

Bolsover District Council has for a number of years, committed to building new council homes stating that demand is far outstripping supply.

In December 2022, Labour Leader of the Council, Steve Fritchley said they were faced with a perfect storm as increase for council properties was far outweighing what was available. And with over 1,700 people on the waiting list this was only going to get worse.

To help alleviate this problem, we have set up a council-owned company called Dragonfly Development Ltd to help build more council properties, which has been overwhelmingly supported with cross-party backing and Union support.

But Steve says the latest report from the BBC highlights what we are doing is right to help the elderly, the vulnerable and young families who often find themselves with nowhere to go.

Steve said, “We know the demand is there and the report by the BBC shows we are right. Demand for council houses and rental properties is increasing all the time. What with the current cost of living crisis and rising household bills, people either can’t afford mortgages or the banks are simply not willing to award them.”

The report goes onto state that the figures shared with the BBC by property website Zoopla show lettings agencies typically have 10 rentals compared to over 16 before September 2021 and that the sharp drop in the number of listings has helped drive up rents for new tenants by 11%.

With the freedom Dragonfly Development gives the Council, we are able to increase the housing stock and able to provide the homes local communities need. Such as bungalows for the elderly, one bedroom flats for young people or family homes. Without these, people who want to move but can't find anywhere new are having to stay put. That means their old place doesn't become available.

Steve added, “That’s where we come in. We want to help local people, stay in the communities they have grown up in. We want to provide local people with a good, decent, modern and efficient property that is also affordable.

“We have stated from day one, that we will only build properties in areas where there is a demand and an obvious need. You only have to look at the thirty-seven we have built in Whitwell which are all occupied, the nineteen new properties in Whaley Thorns were we have local people clambering to get in them and the ten million pounds we have spent of upgrading and refurbishing our sheltered accommodation for the benefit of our elderly and vulnerable.”

Labour locally is delivering. Labour in government will also deliver.